The Heart of the Matter: How Raphael May Found an Authentic Work Culture that Puts People First 

Raphael May has the remarkable ability to get to the heart of complex situations, simplify them, and tailor solutions. It’s a skill our Consultant and Manager began honing early in his working life as a mechanic and later as a media and communications professional. Yet, what Raphael values most about Levant is simple: the people, and the way they empower each other to be great.

Values in action

The true character of a business is often revealed when its values are put to the test. When Raphael May joined Levant Consulting, he knew he’d found a unique place. But he didn’t realise the depth of our team’s integrity until we, like other firms, faced a global threat.

“While a number of large consulting groups were cutting positions, hours and pay at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the first response of Levant’s Directors was to reduce their own hours and pay,” Raphael says. “As it transpired, we were busier than ever. But while some businesses’ first instinct was to look after ‘the top’, Levant’s was to make sure the team knew the Directors had their backs and that we would truly get through that period as a team. It’s easy for a business to say they are values-led, but Levant doesn't just say it - we live it and breathe it.”

Making a positive impact at both an organisational and individual level means a lot to Raphael. This passionate leader is driven by people: those in the organisations he works with, and the smart, fun and creative people in his close-knit team.

Raphael’s path to consultancy may not have been straightforward, but at Levant, he feels respected and celebrated for being his authentic self.

“We have a number of values at Levant, and the one that resonates with me the most is ‘be a person’. You aren’t expected to fit a mould of what people might think a consultant should be. You’re not forced to wear a suit or be the same as everyone else. You’re encouraged to bring your whole self to work, and I think we do that. Everyone’s different, but we’re all genuine. I really value that.”

Curiosity, creativity and drive

Raphael has had a diverse and interesting career. At the heart of each role has been his keen ability to identify a problem, find the solution, and communicate it effectively.

A car enthusiast from a young age, Raphael decided to turn his hobby into a trade. He completed a school-based automotive apprenticeship and worked as a qualified mechanic. But after a few years, Raphael wanted to pursue a different path. He’d always enjoyed writing, so he completed a Bachelor of Advertising, Media and Communications. This led to roles across public and not-for-profit organisations, including the Family Court of Australia and Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

After nine years in media and communications, Raphael was ready to take the next step in his career - one with unique challenges, greater purpose and meaningful relationships. He was introduced to Levant Consulting by his former school friend,  Tyson Corrigan, now one of Levant’s Directors.

“What appealed to me was that problem-solving piece - getting to the crux of an issue and simplifying it. I’d essentially been doing that in my communications career. Levant’s strong values-led culture also really stood out. It was exactly what I’d been looking for - a genuine team of people I could build relationships with.”

Raphael joined Levant in 2019 as a Senior Associate. Over two years, he honed his skills in designing and communicating people-centred change, and in 2021, he was elevated to the position of Manager at our Melbourne office. Today, this humble, collaborative leader supports his team to deliver exciting projects of all shapes and sizes.

“I like being that go-to person between the client and the team, ensuring everyone’s happy and their needs are met. I also value the autonomy I have. Each project is a team effort, and ultimately, it’s down to the Manager, Director and team as to how we reach the required outcome. That means we’re constantly thinking on our feet. It’s a really interesting challenge and not something you’d see in consulting generally. You’d typically get a very set playing field, but we don’t just try to make templates fit a situation or client - we get creative. It’s a refreshing way to work.”

Helping others be great

Although Raphael’s career is a significant part of his life, he isn’t defined by it. And having downtime means he can be his best self when he is at work. Raphael values spending quality time with his partner, Ellen, and their spoodle, Tilly, which he lovingly describes as “the most pathetic dog you’ve ever seen - she’s more like a teddy bear than a dog!” 

And if he’s not at home, Raphael’s usually on his motorbike, soaking up the freedom and fresh air of country Victoria.

“Work-life balance is important to me. I really enjoy my work, but I also enjoy the fact I can work Monday to Friday and still have time for other things. I love motorbike riding and getting out of the city to spend time in nature.”

For now, Raphael plans to continue to grow in his role as Manager, learning with each interesting encounter, client and project. Most of all, he looks forward to supporting his team to take on more unique challenges and seeing what they achieve next.

“For me, the key thing is people. We’re a happy, friendly team. It’s so easy to reach out and get help and support when you need it. There’s a great sense of camaraderie; we genuinely support and help each other to be great.”



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