Our Solutions - Digital transformation
Digital transformation
True digital transformation is about more than just implementing the newest technology. It’s about ensuring your way of working is set up in a way that allows you, and your people, to truly benefit from your transformation agenda.
Our approach to digital transformations sees us help you to ensure your way of working is supported and enabled by technology – not led (sometimes down the garden path) by it.
We believe that a successful digital transformation requires not only a sound technical foundation but also a clear understanding of the way your technology will make the organisation more efficient and effective.
We have developed a rigorous transformation methodology that gets rid of the guess-work to help our clients deliver successful transformation programs.
How we can help you succeed
Align your leaders to your strategy and purpose, and position them to lead the digital transformation.
Understand your users and design processes that bring the target experience to life.
Understand your stakeholders and coordinate change around them and their needs.
Translate vision and strategy into people needs and design programs to lead, adapt to and sustain change
Want to know more about our approach to digital transformation and how we can help?
“The Levant team are professional, experienced, thorough, and fun to work with. Their ability to partner with our business to achieve our strategic outcomes has ensured we are set up for success. It has been a pleasure working with such a talented team and I would highly recommend them to any organisation taking on a major change project.”
Our approach to digital transformation
When it comes to successful digital transformations, there are four aspects we’ve found to be vital to success:
1. Transformation foundations
Understanding why you’re changing, what the future looks like, and ensuring leaders are aligned and engaged in the strategy and purpose.
2. User experience and new ways
of working
Using your peoples’ and customers’ needs and preferences to create a better way of working. This foundation can also be used to integrate into ‘out of the box’ technology (e.g. ERP solution) workflows
3. Human centred change management
Articulating what the change in way of working and technology means to the people who use it in a clear, easy to understand way. This accelerates your transformation by helping your people adopt and embrace the change.
4. Organisational development
Building your people’s capability, engagement and performance to ensure your digital transformation can be sustained.
What have we learned over the years?
1. Technology alone isn’t enough
Some people believe shiny technology will be the silver bullet they’ve been searching for. Be warned – the new technology will only get you so far. The greater challenge, and reward, comes from transforming the mindsets, behaviours and ways of working that support the new technology.
We believe successful digital transformation requires organisational transformation. Improved business performance requires being more efficient and effective and the technology will only get you so far.
2. Clear design parameters are vital
It’s easy to jump straight from the business case to requirements gathering. But in doing so, you miss the opportunity to define what good looks like, and develop a framework for evaluating the merits of different design options along the way.
We take the time to define prescriptive design principles that can be used to test and evaluate design options. They drive focus and articulate what a good outcome looks like.
3. Start with the operating model and process design
Jumping straight to system workflows is a common design trap. Before looking at the technology, what is the operating model and business process you want the tech to enable? Is this an opportunity to drive process integration and alignment across the organisation?
We start with value. What does your organisation do to generate value, and how does this need to change in order to deliver your strategy? What is the desired customer experience and internal outcome you’re looking to deliver? Using this as the starting point of the design helps ensure the solution gets you closer to your goal.
We provide solutions for organisations in a wide range of industries, including but not limited to:
Financial and Insurance Services
Healthcare and Social Assistance
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Transport, Postal and Warehousing
Not for Profit.
Want to know more about our approach to change and how we can help you? Contact us today to schedule a consultation.